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Principal, Burge-Martinez Consulting, Inc.

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LabMate Crashes During Export


When exporting, the LabMate will appear to be working fine and suddenly, it will close and you will be returned to the desktop.


This is caused if there are characters in the entered data that are incompatible with the queries that are used to sort and manipulate data.

For example, if you have entered a duplicate Top Depth for any Boring, then the export function will cause this sudden shutdown, so if you have Boring B-1, with sample depths of 1-2 and 1-3, then the duplication of the "1" will cause this error to occur on export.

If you have entered a apostrophe ', or a quotation " character(s) such as in if you entered the phrase "Dark Grey Clay from 0' -6" Red Sand from 6" onwards" in the Description field, then the program will not know what to do with the ' and the " characters when it is running its SQL functions.

BUG EXTERMINATED 2/17/10 w/BUILD 2010_02_17


For now, if you need to describe feet and inches, just use those terms instead of the ' or the " characters. We have tested for /, \, and . characters and they do not have this shutdown effect.

Long term solution - get Ninja to code some error handlers and restructure the code to allow use of these characters.

BUG EXTERMINATED 2/17/10 w/BUILD 2010_02_17