"I've worked with a variety of lab data systems and find this to be the only one on the market to improve the lab's accuracy and reduce the overall testing turnaround time."

— R. Klamm
Professional Geologist Texas, AMEC
San Antonio Texas

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Reduce Time and Testing Expenses

...And Free Up Your Life!

xGEL Labmate™ Way

  • Put specimen #1 on scale
  • Put specimen #2 on scale
  • Put specimen #3 on scale
  • Put specimen #4 on scale
  • Put specimen #5 on scale
  • Put specimen #6 on scale
  • Print Data Summary

Current Way

  • Put specimen #1 on scale
    • read scale
      • scribble data on lab form
  • Put specimen #2 on scale
    • read scale
      • scribble data on lab form
  • Put specimen #3 on scale
    • read scale
      • scribble data on lab form
  • Put specimen #4 on scale
    • read scale
      • scribble data on lab form
  • Put specimen #5 on scale
    • read scale
      • scribble data on lab form
  • Put specimen #6 on scale
    • read scale
      • scribble data on lab form
  • Give lab forms to Lab Manager
  • Give lab forms to computer tech
    • Look at lab data form
      • Type in data for specimen # 1
    • Look at lab data form
      • Type in data for specimen # 2
    • Look at lab data form
      • Type in data for specimen # 3
    • Look at lab data form
      • Type in data for specimen # 4
    • Look at lab data form
      • Type in data for specimen # 5
    • Look at lab data form
      • Type in data for specimen # 6
    • Look at lab data form
      • Type in data for specimen # 7
  • Calculate Test Results
  • Redo "busted" tests, quit your job

Free Up Your Life