
LabMate Pro - Pay As You Go Subscription Plan

  • Only pay for what you use
  • Ability to administer your machines over the web*
  • Ability to make installs at remote offices without leaving yours**
  • Priority, In-Version Updates, Patches, and tech support included
  • Priority Scheduling for Upgrades and Updates
  • StatData™ Capable

Metered Usage Plan: LabMate Pro Online Account with Specimens and Test-Count Based Automatic Credit Card Direct Billing. This is the platform of choice for firms that need basic and economical solutions to their lab production process , and labs that want job cost metrics, or a fully expensed solution for accounting department purposes.

More Info On This Exciting Pay-As-You-Go Plan


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Current Price Schedule
Charge Item Price ($)
Specimens 0.29
MC 0.40
UDW 0.75
AL 0.46
M200 0.46
GRAD 0.86
UC 1.10

All specimens entered and Finalized into the system, will, when they are locked-in by the Finalize action, will accrue a Specimen charge, in addition to the charge for the test assignment.

For example, on a specimen with a moisture content test assignment, the xGEL total charge would be $0.69.


Quick Fact: Typical test assignment protocols run about 10 - 20 cents per foot of boring with accompanying production increases of up to 30%. Such a small price for such dramatic improvement.

-Say Goodbye to Lab Paperwork & Mistakes

*Enterprise Version - Extra Charges Apply

**Included for remote access accounts. Extra charges apply.

Feature Sets

  Pay As You Go
  LabMate Pro
Project Setup  
Open by Entering File # YES
Speed-Select from Project List YES
Sort by Project YES
Sort by Date Created YES
Sort by Date Completed YES
Tests Setup  
Electronic Test Assignments YES
Automatic Data Form Set Up YES
"Mc-on-All" Autofill Assignment Feature YES
Electronic Data Collection Forms  
Liquid Limit YES
Plastic Limit YES
Minus 200 YES
Specimen Description YES
Full Gradations YES
Proctors YES
Data Administration  
Electronic Scale Capture YES
Manual Entry of Weight Data YES
Enter Tare Numbers Manually YES
Enter Tare Weights Manually YES
AutoNumber Tares YES
AutoFill Default Tare Weights YES
Use Tare# / Tare Weight Lookup Tables YES
Clone Boring Geometry YES
Use MC for Minus200 YES
Real Time Data Calculations YES
Test ResultsSummary Page YES
Print Test Assignment Sheets YES
Print Test Grids YES
Print Test Results Summary YES
Print Test Counts YES
Print Atterberg Tracking Cards YES
Export to Internal Folder YES
Export to Internal & To ThumbDrive YES
Export a gINT .gpj file YES
Export an Access .mdb file YES
Export an Excel .xls file YES
Auto-Scale Overwrite Protections YES
Auto-Tare Overwrite Protections YES
Manual Ovewrite Feature YES
Delete Test Assignments YES
Auto Clear Test Data YES
Test Data Deletion Protection YES
Archive Features* YES
Activity Logging/Time Stamping  
Project Creation Date Stamping YES
Project Completion Stamping YES
Time Stamp User LogIn YES
Management Reports  
Web Connectivity Requirements YES
License Models  
Metered Usage Credit Card Pay-as-You-Go Plan**. What's This? YES

*xGEL does not provide backup service, and clients should not rely on any xGEL archiving feature as backups. Client is responsible for making indeoendent backups.

**req. internet connection to xGEL Server