"xGEL LabMate sure exceeded my expectations. Great Job!"

— Juan Nieto
Tech Services Supervisor, Burge-Martinez Consulting, Inc.

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Install LabMate to this Computer using an IAC (Installation Authorization Code)  ? 
A time-sensitive code sequence that is used in controlling, administering, and authorizing installations of xGel. Get this code from whomever is the SuperUser of your xGel Account.

This feature is for people that have been given an IAC by their xGEL System Administrator. This feature installs xGEL LabMate™ and links it to the the master account that created the IAC. You will be asked 2 times for the IAC. After entering it the first time, we recommend copying it to your clipboard so you can paste it when asked for it again.

Note: An IAC is only valid for 24 hours.

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