Additional Information Concerning the xGEL Charge Model, and xGEL Invoice Charge Breakout

Some tests, under ASTM and xGEL standards, include other "tests" or "test components", which xGEL refers to as chained tests. (This "chaining" of test components is reflected in the xGEL test assignment sheets by symbols indicating the "chaining".)

For example, a UDW (Dry Density) "test" includes a dimensional component ( lengths and diameters), and also a moisture content component. The moisture content component determination is therefore "chained to the higher level UDW "test".

Similarly, an unconfined (Uc) "test" includes a load/deflection component, a diameter and length (dimensional) component, and also a moisture content component. A way to think about it is that a Uc test for example "includes" a UDW "test", which itself includes an Mc "test".

Accordingly, when for example, a UDW test is assigned in xGEL, an Mc will also be assigned into the system, and both components will be charged for. Accordingly, on the invoice sent to you, there will be a charge for the UDW dimensional component (shown on the invoice as a UDW line item) , and a charge for the UDW moisture content component (shown on the invoice as a Mc line item. In similar fashion, the Uc will have its three components charged for, and show as separate line items on the invoices sent to you - one for the load component (Uc line item), one for the dimension component (UDW line item), and one for the Mc component( Mc line item).

Gradations are a special case in xGEL and are different than what some labs call a minus200 wash, where only the # 200 data is collected. An xGEL Gradation comprises multiple sieves in the sieve nest, as well as always including a #200 sieve. Accordingly, an xGEL gradation "test" assignment will always have an associated minus 200 component (#200 component), in addition to all the other sieves in the sieve nest, and there will be a charge for the minus 200 portion of that test, as well as the charge for the rest of the full gradation.

This charge count/structure/model is illustrated in the following images:

Charge matrix example #1

Charge Matrix Example #1

Charge matrix example #2

Charge Matrix Example #2

Note that, depending on your particular charging/counting model, the xGEL line item "counts" shown on your xGEL invoice document may not be same as the completed test counts that you carry on your charge/work count sheets that you send to your clients,. For example, if you do not charge your clients for re-tests, or if on a test that has multiple components, you only have a stated line item for the highest level test, then there will be a difference because of the way you invoice your client (completed tests) vs. how xGEL invoices you based on # specimens entered to the system, tests assigned, re-tests assigned, as opposed to tests completed.

For example, although you may internally count/carry/report/invoice a Uc test as a single line item (say $56.00) , the xGEL charge/count sheet will show line items for the Uc’s Load component (Uc), the Uc’s dimension component (UDW) and the Uc’s Mc component.

"I sure am glad we decided to use xGEL. Sure frees up my life."

— Juan Nieto
Tech Services Supervisor, Burge-Martinez Consulting, Inc.

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Pay-As-You-Go, Online Account with Specimen and Test-Count Based Automatic Credit Card Direct Billing

Pricing Model

xGEL LabMate is licensed on a "when-and-how-much-you-use" basis, and we charge based on the number of specimens, and number and type of test assignments/re-assignments/retests, processed by the xGEL platform.

Under this Pay-As-You-Go, test-assignment/test-activity counting protocol, your xGEL platform costs are determined by the amount of specimens and testing activity assigned into the system, and it is because of this particular charging model that we can offer the xGEL Data Systems, LLC service at such a low price, with no long term contract, or up-front license/service fee. Yes, it may seem a bit unusual, but in the end, it works out to less cost for our clients than under other charge models.

Note that xGEL does not charge if, or when, you do the any test, the charge is triggered when you lock-in the specimens and assignments/reassignments/retests to the system. When, or if, you complete any of the testing does not affect the charge. The charge event is for specimens and assignments,re-assignments/retests enters, not completed tests, and occurs when the assignments, re-assignments/retests are made.

How We Get Our Money

You set up an account, and as you use the xGEL system we make automated charges to the credit card that you have linked to your account profile, based on the amount of specimens and amount of tests and test activity.


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Current Price Schedule
Charge Item Price ($)
Specimens 0.29
MC 0.40
UDW 0.75
AL 0.46
M200 0.46
GRAD 0.86
UC 1.10

All specimens entered and Finalized (or re-entered) into the system, will, when they are locked-in by a Finalize/Re-Finalize action, accrue a Specimen charge, in addition to a charge for any test assignment/reassignment/re-test on that specimen.

For example, on a specimen with a moisture content test assignment, the xGEL total charge would be $0.69. (Note, however, if there was a “bust” in the test, and it needed re-work, that would count and be billed as an additional Mc test.)


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